When it comes to lead magnets, a common question that crops up is whether or not to have more than one lead magnet.
The answer to that is a resounding and unequivocal YES!
There are three main reasons why more than one lead magnet works best:
Reason #1 – Not all of your audience is going to be at the same place in their journey with you.
Reason #2 – Not all of your audience is going to want their information delivered in the same way.
Reason #3 – Your audience members who come from different sources may have different content preferences.
When you think about all of these reasons, it’s easy to see that the ideal way to create multiple lead magnets is to create one (or several) lead magnets for each product or service you have. Obviously this is going to be easier for some types of products than others.
For example, it’s much easier to create multiple lead magnets for a course or coaching program that appeal to different audience members. But it could get a little overwhelming if you tried to create a lead magnet for every single product you create if you run a PLR or Printables shop.
Here are 3 ways to create more than one lead magnet…
1. Create Multiple Customer Avatars
This may sound a bit counter-intuitive at first. After all, you know your target audience and you’ve already got a well-defined avatar for your ideal customer.
However, you may find that within that ideal avatar, there are customers who are at different stages of their journey with you. They may be completely new to your topics, they may have a little bit of experience, or they may be experts already and looking to learn something new. Each of these sub-groups will have different needs and expectations from your product.
So just as your customers are not “one size fits all” neither should your marketing approach be completely generic.
When you create your ideal client avatar, you may want to create more than one. The reason is that there may be different audience members who will respond better to more direct marketing.
For example, if you offer weight loss coaching, some of your clients may need to lose 5 or 10 pounds, while others might be at the beginning of a weight-loss journey for health reasons. Each of these would need a different marketing approach, and therefore a different lead magnet to introduce them to your services.
2. Follow the One Problem – One Solution Method
Once you’ve started building your community, you’ll also start getting questions from your members. (If you don’t have a community yet, join a few like-minded groups and see what questions are being asked there.)
Each of these questions is an opportunity to create a lead magnet. Remember that a lead magnet should be short and to the point. It should solve one problem at a time and be super easy to implement and consumable in just a few minutes.
If you keep a list of questions and then make a lead magnet from the answer, whether it’s a “How to” report or checklist, a short video or even a webinar addressing that question you’re on the right track to getting more sign-ups, more customers, and making more sales especially if you remember the monetizing component of each lead magnet that you create.
3. Customize Your Lead Magnets for Different Traffic Sources
When you get right down to it, a lead magnet is a marketing tool. So, when you think about the different ways you market your products it’s also important to identify the traffic sources your audience are coming from too.
For example, if you market through affiliates or JV partners, you should be creating separate lead magnets for them, so they can use them in their promotion efforts too.
The way to differentiate when a lead magnet needs to be customized is to think about from where the traffic is generated. Here are a few traffic sources to consider when creating more than one lead magnet:
1. Facebook Traffic – To create a lead magnet for Facebook Ads you’ll be marketing directly to your audience. You may need more than one lead magnet that differentiates subsets of individuals who may want your products and services. For example, if you have a membership site with videos of knitting lessons you may want to create different lead magnets for the levels of skill that your audience has and the lessons you offer.
2. Affiliates – You’ll want to create custom lead magnets for your affiliates too. Make them more generic and editable by your affiliates (yet also usable as they are) so that they can promote freebies to their audience too and still get the credit for anything the traffic they send purchases. The more you can do for them the more likely they are to promote your products and services.
3. List Members – You can give lead magnets to your list members too. Let’s say you have a list of people who have opened emails but never made a purchase due to a lead magnet they downloaded a year ago. Instead of deleting them from your list try reactivating them by sending a brand-new freebie to them that will move them to another list if they act.
4. Customers – Even when someone is already a customer and has bought from you in the past, it can help to send them a new lead magnet for the next level product you want to promote. For example, using the weight loss idea, if someone bought a 7-day menu plan, and is now a customer, you can still send them a new lead magnet offer for a free trial to your membership program or a grocery shopping guide that gets them interested about your other offerings.
This doesn’t mean you have to start from scratch with each lead magnet you can create. Instead, create the first one, and then tweak and customize it for each traffic source enough so that it’s clear which audience the lead magnet is for. Your goal here is to make sure that the marketing messages you send them makes sense to them and provides them with the information they need to make a buying decision.
One Final Word… Make Sure Your Lead Magnets are Current
Not only should you be creating more than one lead magnet directed to different segments of your audience who need the same solutions, it’s also important that you keep your lead magnets up to date. Things change quickly these days, so you can edit them to add new resources that are more current, or completely recreate them to take advantage of new technology. And you will definitely want to update them if you change your branding.
It’s also important to remember one lead magnet will not grab everyone’s attention. Different lead magnets designed to promote the same products can be designed and created for each distinct subset of your audience. This can expand your traffic, signups, and ultimately your bottom line because you’re always speaking directly to your audience.