When I think about clearing away the mental clutter that builds up over time, I think about old sayings my mother always used to use. Things like “As within, so without” or “A messy room is the sign of a messy mind.” She really liked that one when trying to get the teenaged me to clean my room. As much as it pains to admit, my mother might’ve had a point.
Mental clutter is something that we tend not to think about too much. We worry about cleaning up our desks and our closets, the cupboards and the garage. But, we don’t think about clearing out the thought patterns that we’ve hung on to and that no longer serve us.
So, how do you go about getting rid of the mental clutter that no longer serves you?
Here are 5 tips for clearing away mental clutter…
1. Re-assess your goals and dreams
Things change over the course of time, including your goals and dreams. Are you still focused on the same things you wanted to achieve last year? 5 years ago?
Spend some time thinking about what you want to achieve and make changes if your life has moved in a different direction than what you had envisioned when you set those goals.
2. Ditch what makes you angry
Have you noticed how much room being angry takes up in your head? And it grows! The longer you hold on to it the more room it takes up.
Find a way to deal with whatever is making you angry and then let it go. You don’t need angry thoughts cluttering up your mind when you’re making room for new and better thoughts.
3. Spend time outside
This is my go to advice for just about everything. It’s amazing what a little fresh air can to clear the cobwebs out of your mind. Not only will you find it easier to let things go when you’re sitting on a beach watching the waves, or wandering down a quiet path, you’ll also be more open to new thoughts and ideas.
4. Have a little fun
No one ever said life had to be serious 100 percent of the time. Leave room for fun in your thoughts and your life, and you may find thoughts and dreams you’d forgotten about, just like those treasures that get stuffed to the back of the closet.
5. Leave some room for new ideas
The whole point of clearing away mental clutter is to make room for new ideas. You never know when opportunity might come knocking at your door, and you’ll want to have a clear mind so that you recognize your chances when they arise.
Final Thoughts
These tips may seem simple, but they really do work. I’ve been going through a lot of changes over the past year and a half, and have relied on most of these tips to help me deal with the mindset changes that go along with massive physical changes. And all I can say is they work for me. I hope they’ll work for you too if you try them.
Like I always say, I’m no expert on this mindset stuff. I just try stuff and see what works for me. And sometimes I just have to share. This is one of those times!
What’s your favourite way to clear your mental clutter? Leave a comment and let me know!