6 ways to tell if you are highly creative

Do you consider yourself to be highly creative?

If you’re not involved in a creative profession, you might think that you don’t have a creative bone in your body. My mother was like that. She was always making comments about not being creative because she didn’t play music or draw and paint like the rest of our family. The sad thing was she was creative in her own ways – through cooking, sewing, and crafting – that she totally discounted because to her it was just what women did.

But, there are definitely differences between “regular”  creative people and highly creative people, and looking at the list I’m about to share with you tells me my mom was definitely creative, just not in the same ways my dad and I were. And that’s what she wanted.

It’s now generally accepted that highly creative people see the world a little bit differently. And scientists now believe that not only do their brains work differently, but their neural hardwiring is also unique.

And because of that, they can be a little hard to get along with.  My mom was always telling my dad and I we were off in our own little world and that we talked in a whole different language she couldn’t understand. Heck, even my own son tells me I’m hard work sometimes because I tend to see things in ways that no one else around me gets.

Here are 6 ways to tell if you might be highly creative too…

1. You’re always thinking

Highly creative people always have something on the go. They tend to have a part of their brain that just doesn’t shut down. It always seems as if they’re still writing or creating, even when they’re out doing something else. And the somewhere or someone else rarely gets their full attention.

If you tend to be super curious, and are always wondering – or outright asking – why, what if, or why not, you might be a highly creative person.

2. You push back

One key characteristic of highly creative people is that they don’t always accept the status quo at face value. They think nothing of pushing back, “poking the bear” and asking the difficult questions. If that sounds like you, you might be a highly creative person too.

3. You walk your own path

Highly creative people tend to be true to themselves above all else, or at least they work really hard at. It’s easier, I think, to live a more authentic life that’s aligned with your core values now than it was when my dad was alive and society placed so many rules on people.

Now, living authentically and in a way that’s aligned with your values is an absolute priority for a lot of people and is much more accepted than it was. And that means that it’s easier to reject following the crowd, and to have your own opinions on things whether anyone else thinks they’re popular or not.

4. You don’t follow a linear path

A highly creative person’s mind tends to move in loops and spirals, rather than in a straight line from point A to point B. It’s not about lines and logic for them, it’s more about wildly creative connections that make you wonder “where did that come from?”

When Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge,” he knew what he was talking about. It’s all about seeing connections where others don’t, and if your brain works that way too, you’re probably a highly creative person.

5. You need downtime and space.

Highly creative people often dive deep into their work, those marathon sessions that stretch on and on. But then, they need their downtime, those equal measures of rest and recovery. It’s like recharging their batteries, finding that balance between the hustle and the hush.

Sometimes, solitude is the key, that quiet space where ideas can simmer and take shape. But other times, it’s about those easy companionships, the kind that revive the spirit without draining the energy. It’s like finding your tribe, those people who get it, who understand the ebb and flow of the creative process.

While scheduling might seem like an answer, it’s not always a friend to creativity. It can feel constricting, a little like trying to cage a wild animal. Creativity needs space to breathe, to wander and explore without a rigid timetable.

And it needs that separation from the everyday. It needs moments of quiet and reflection away from the hustle and noise of society. It’s like stepping into a sanctuary, a place where the mind can roam free and new ideas can blossom.

6. You consider yourself a storyteller

Highly creative people often tend to be highly sensitive to images, metaphors, and stories.

When you stop and think about it, creativity is fundamentally about conveying a story from the artist to the viewer or reader. The narrative is the most ancient way of passing on deep truths like creation stories, heroic sagas.

Creativity is the bedrock of humanity and a key element that separates us from other creatures. Telling stories helps us understand the world, to explain what we experience and to transcend the everyday.

Final Thoughts

The beauty of creativity isn’t found in its sameness on the same highway of life the rest of the population travels. It’s all about forging your own path, embracing the unexpected, finding joy in the discoveries of your imagination. Each little twist and turn can open up whole new worlds.

So, what do you think? Are you a highly creative person? And what will you do with your creativity?

About the Author

Ruth is self-styled creative soulpreneur who loves that she gets to play with words and pictures for a living. She started her first email newsletter in 1997 and has never looked back. Between creating printables and courses, she publishes a daily newsletter, loves to golf and walk on the beach and is teaching herself how to do hand-lettering and doodle art.

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