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It’s always exciting when you find a new bundle or giveaway that is full to the brim with goodies for your business. But, do you let the digital dust gather before you even think about putting them to good use?

I’m not immune either, and it’s always an easy “yes” to the sales page when my mind is filled with the possibilities of what I can do with what I learn.

Take my latest Low Content PLR Bundle, for example. There are 25 different PLR products you can use to stock your shop – enough to start or scale your business – plus 3 courses that teach you ways to use them. When I was putting it together, I kept thinking up ways to use all the products, which is what you really want in a bundle. I’d buy it myself if I wasn’t the one that put it all together!

Unfortunately, too many times, it’s what happens after I hit the buy button that trips me up – I sign in to the course, look at all the information there and think “I’ll get to that later.” And of course, I never do. Or it’s months down the road. And the digital dust is so thick you have to scrape it off with a digital shovel!

If you want to know a secret, the reason I’m creating the Repurposing Outside the Box Bundle Edition is to get me using all these amazing products for my own shop! And I’m sharing that with you so that you’ll be inspired to start using what you buy too!

Don’t Let the Digital Dust Gather On Your New Purchase

The best thing to do when you buy a new bundle is to take action as soon as your payment goes through!

Even if it’s something as small as opening up the download page and deciding which product you want to download first. Do something with your new product as soon as you get it. Don’t just download it and think you’ll get to it later.

Once you dig in, you’ll often find that it keeps your enthusiasm for using your new content going. And there are benefits for your business too. Taking early action on the products you buy can help you:

  • Recover your investment quickly
  • Develop new skills for your business
  • Make new connections and find new resources
  • Build your confidence and boost your enthusiasm

And don’t forget, that often content, especially course material (and there are usually always one or more courses in most bundles) can be time sensitive. This is especially true of things like SEO courses and self-publishing courses.

Since trends are always changing, some courses should be consumed right away while they are relevant. Waiting too long could mean the information is obsolete or no longer applies. In something like the Low Content PLR Bundle, you’ll want to use anything that’s dated or seasonal first, so that you can get it into your shop at the right time.

Have a Plan and Work the Plan

As with anything else, when you’re considering buying a new bundle, think about whether or not you actually have the time and resources to commit to using it and either putting it up for sale, or in the case of courses and training, implementing what you learn.

The best thing to do is block off time on your calendar for learning and doing. If you don’t do that, it can become an optional or negotiable part of your day, and that makes it easy to keep putting off taking action.

Instead, make time every day to build your learning and doing habit, so that you get the most out of your investments in the bundles and courses you buy. Do this, and you’ll stop the digital dust from gathering on your purchases!

About the Author

Ruth is self-styled creative soulpreneur who loves that she gets to play with words and pictures for a living. She started her first email newsletter in 1997 and has never looked back. Between creating printables and courses, she publishes a daily newsletter, loves to golf and walk on the beach and is teaching herself how to do hand-lettering and doodle art.

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