creating a content idea list

Creating a content idea list is a great way to get more out of your content for a couple of reasons. First, it works a bit like a brain dump in that you can get all of your ideas down on paper and keeps your thoughts somewhat organized. And second, it helps you see where you can repurpose the content you already have.

creating a content idea list

Using data in the creation of your list works because it adds outside validation to your ideas. If you take into consideration the things people are searching for, and what the trends for your niche are, you can pinpoint the ideas that are relevant to your audience at any given moment, as well as create evergreen content that keeps them coming back to see what else you have for them.

Before we dive into the following ideas for using data to create your list, I have to say that none of these are new ideas. We’ve talked about all of them before in some way or another. But I think they bear repeating, because paying attention to the data around you is an excellent way to keep track of what your existing and prospective community members are looking for.

So, here are 4 ideas for using data to create your content idea list:

Idea #1: Review your site analytics regularly

The first, and easiest way to use data for your content idea list is to regularly review your analytics data. This will give you data on things like:

  • what keywords are being used to find your site
  • which pages are the most visited
  • where visitors are coming from
  • the time of day people are visiting
Idea #2: Review your social media analytics regularly too

If you are active on social media, you can use the analytics from your profiles there as well to glean content ideas for your list. Here you’ll get a good feel for the type of content that gets the most engagement, and you can use those ideas to create similar content for your blog, email sequences, and other platforms.

Idea #3: Pay attention to what others in your niche are doing

You can add to your content idea list by paying attention to what others in your niche are doing. Check out their blogs and social profiles, get on their newsletter lists, and see what they are creating. You can then create similar content with your own unique spin.

Idea #4: Use surveys and polls

Asking your community what they want is always a good idea. By using surveys and polls, you can collect your own data and generate ideas for your content list. As long as you’re not bombarding them with survey after survey, your audience will usually be happy to tell you what they want to see more of.

Final Thoughts

It’s easy to create a content idea list using data that you gather from your own analytics as well as data from other sources. Get into the habit of checking your data regularly and you’ll have a never-ending list of ideas for content that’s relevant and interesting for your community.

This is Part 7 in a 10-part series on Using Content in Your Marketing Strategy. Other posts in this series include:

  1. 7 Reasons to Make Content a Key Marketing Strategy for Your Creative Business
  2. 6 Good Reasons for Using a Content Calendar
  3. Got Creators Block? 5 Common Reasons Why This Might Happen to You
  4. 7 Tips For Getting to Know Your Community
  5. 7 Tips for Generating New Content Ideas
  6. 8 More Tips for Generating New Content Ideas
  7. Four Ideas for Creating a Content Idea List Using Data (this article)
  8. 8 Tips for Using Social Media to Gather More New Content Ideas
  9. Five Reasons to Outsource Content Creation
  10. Coming Soon
About the Author

Ruth is self-styled creative soulpreneur who loves that she gets to play with words and pictures for a living. She started her first email newsletter in 1997 and has never looked back. Between creating printables and courses, she publishes a daily newsletter, loves to golf and walk on the beach and is teaching herself how to do hand-lettering and doodle art.

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