Promote Your Content Upgrades on Social Media blog banner
Promote Your Content Upgrades on Social Media blog banner

Once you have them created and set up on your pages, it’s time to promote your content upgrades. You don’t want to have all this great content sitting there not being seen or used. One of the best ways to share your new content is through social media.

Sharing on social media gives you the best chance at getting large numbers of eyeballs on your content. Content upgrades work great for sharing on sites like Facebook and Twitter, because they’re short content, easily shareable, and provide instant gratification for those who sign up to get them. But social media can also be a source of dead air if you don’t pay attention to a few things.

Here are 5 tips for using social media to promote your content upgrades:

Tip #1 – Know Your Audience

It’s one thing to post several times a day on social media because you feel like it, but you’ll have much better success if you find out when the people you want to reach are online first. You want to make it easy for your target audience to engage with your content and click the links to your content upgrades, so it makes sense to post when they have the greatest chance of seeing it.

If you’re not sure when the best time to post is, this article from Co-Schedule will give you a good starting point. They have analysed the data from over 35 million posts and put it all together in this post.

Use the data contained in that article to create a schedule and stick to it for a reasonable amount of time, until you can tell if it’s working for you or not. You want to test everything to know what works best for your audience, because it may not be the same as the audiences the studies tested with.

Tip #2 – Pre-schedule Your Posts

Or outsource this if you can.

No one really has time to sit on social media and post several times a day, unless that’s the job you are paid to do. Thankfully, there are some really good tools out there that will allow you to preschedule your posts so that all you have to do is show up a couple of times a day and interact with your friends and followers.

Here are a few examples of post-scheduling software and apps:


If you have a Canva Pro account, you can also use their content planner to schedule your posts after you create them.

Want to learn more about content upgrades? Be sure to check out the Amp Up Your Business Summer Workshop Series! I’m doing the first workshop in the series and it’s all about list-building with content upgrades.

Tip #3 – Harness the Power of Video

Video posts play a huge role on social media, and you want to take advantage of that to promote your content upgrades.

The easiest way to do this is to create short videos for sites like Facebook, Instagram and TikTok and send people either back to your blog post where the content upgrade resides, or to a dedicated landing page.

Tip #4 – Link to your content upgrades from your profiles

Whenever you can leave a link to your content upgrades in a profile, do it!

Your social media profiles are some of your most visited pages since people who want to know more about you will be checking them out. It’s all a part of the know-like-trust process, and you most likely check other people’s profiles when you want to get to know more about them too.

Keep your social media profiles up to date, and add links to your content upgrades wherever they are allowed.

Tip #5 – Leverage your new subscribers

You can leverage the new subscribers you get from posts on your own social media accounts by having them promote your content upgrades to their audience after they’ve signed up.

All you have to do is ask them to share on the Thank You page and set up a couple of buttons so they only have to click for Facebook or Twitter. Doing this allows you to leverage new subscribers and their audiences when they’re still excited about finding the content you offer.

Final Thoughts

These are by no means the only ways to ways to use social media, but they’re the bare minimum you should be doing to promote your content upgrades. You’ve put the time and effort into creating amazing content so it would be a shame not to tell anyone about them. Unfortunately, the actual promotion is where a lot of content creators fall short – me included! But that’s a story for another day.

For now, get out there and show off your new content upgrades and get them working for you!

This is part 5 of a 5 part series on Using Content Upgrades

  1. List Building: Why It’s a Lot Like Fishing 
  2. Content Upgrades: Are they right for you?
  3. How Long Should Your Content Upgrades Be? 
  4. Resource Pages: Easy Access to Your Content Upgrades
  5. 5 Ways to Use Social Media to Promote Your Content Upgrades (this post)
About the Author

Ruth is self-styled creative soulpreneur who loves that she gets to play with words and pictures for a living. She started her first email newsletter in 1997 and has never looked back. Between creating printables and courses, she publishes a daily newsletter, loves to golf and walk on the beach and is teaching herself how to do hand-lettering and doodle art.

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